The ERAS Society USA Chapter held its founding meeting on Sunday, October 16, 2016 in Washington, DC with the mission to develop perioperative care and to improve recovery through research, audit, education and implementation of evidence based practice. Our mission is to improve perioperative care and enhance postoperative recovery through implementation of evidence-based practice, audit, education, and research. Central to this mission is a culture of inclusivity and recognition of the importance of multi-professional and multi-disciplinary collaboration.

News & Announcements

ERAS Conference

Executive office of the president of the united states ERAS USA Participates in White House ONDCP Webinar!
View the webinar recording from April 1, 2020

This webinar, which included prominent ERAS leaders including ERAS® USA President-Elect Dr. Michael Scott and ERAS® USA Past President Dr. Tonia Young-Fadok, was designed for health care leaders to learn about the National Drug Control Strategy and how the surgical community has an important role in optimal surgical outcomes as well as safe prescribing education, prevention, and referral to addiction services. The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) with the assistance of ERAS USA have organized this webinar. The Public Health, Education and Treatment team hopes to utilize this webinar as an opportunity to communicate the Administration's support for safe prescribing practices and the role of the entire health care community in leading the path in both prevention as well as treatment for those who need surgical care.

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery: A Complete Guide to Optimizing Outcomes Enhanced Recovery After Surgery: A Complete Guide to Optimizing Outcomes textbook now available!
Editors: Ljungqvist, Olle, Francis, Nader K. K., Urman, Richard D. (Eds.)

ERAS USA members receive a discount.

ERAS Society President, Vikram Attaluri, MD